Arcam Alpha 8 Tuner


Fein klingender AM/FM Tuner made in Great Britain. 16 Stationstasten, Suchlauf, Stereo/Mono. Fernbedienbar über Arcam System FB - nicht dabei. (Weitere Arcam Tuner im Angebot!).

User Bewertung:

"This is a great sounding tuner. When the source is high quality, which is rare, you sometimes have to pinch yourself that you're not listening to CD. The sound is well rounded, smooth, and reasonably detailed."




British Made, Great Soundstage, Ease-of-use, Simplistic clear display


Lack of featuers (RDS, etc)

"""I felt that sound quality was much more important than amount of features and remembered that my tuner was likely to stay in my system the longest.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a decent tuner at a reasonable price and are uninterested in amount of features but pure sound quality then make the Alpha7 your choice. You will not be disappointed!"""



Preis: 89

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